Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why I am forever banned from

So as many of you know, I've been planning this trip to Finland and then was supposed to return to Connecticut so my b.f.f. could get gay married. Well, due to lack of foresight, karma, or whatever malevolent forces exist in the universe, the wedding was postponed. So imagine me on the phone at midnight, explaining this to the Expedia lady who could care less about the personal life of Zemkat. It didn't help that she spoke heavily accented English at 500 words per minute and had access to a comparative list of flights and prices while I frantically scribbled down her responses to my questions such as "What do you mean that Finnair does not serve vegan meals?" and "Excuse me but how can I avoid this 32 hour layover at the London Heathrow airport?"


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