Sunday, October 25, 2009

Worst. Mother. Ever.

I am very behind in reading the newspaper (about ten days behind), so I just read today an article about the two boys who died in a house fire. They were living with their mother, who was already under investigation from CPS for failing multiple drug tests, neglecting her children, and for allowing a boyfriend to sexually abuse one of the children. The house that burned was, according to the Houston Chronicle “well-known” to the Houston Police Department. “This year alone, there have been nine calls to HPD for everything from domestic disturbance to guns being fired to assault.” This being the tenth month, that averages to about one call per month. Oh, and did I include that all characters in this drama, including Prashawna White (the mother), Pamela Bell (the grandmother), Bell’s boyfriend, and White’s multiple boyfriends, are convicted drug dealers?

What can be said about Child Protective Services? One could argue that this is one of those cases where everything that can go wrong actually does go wrong and results in a tragedy. Every mistake was 100% avoidable, but someone along the way dropped the proverbial ball and never recovered from the fumble. Really, though, it’s a case of people not following through on their duties as public servants. The CPS case workers cannot play the “overworked” card because the history of neglect and abuse coupled with the mother’s history of drug abuse, plus the fact of the children’s home being a known crack house should have tipped off even the most overworked and underpaid caseworker that something was amiss in the White home.

Incidentally, this 2009 winner of Worst Mother of the Year Award was working at a day care center at the time of the fire. Did I mention she was under CPS investigation for neglecting her children and that she was a drug addict? According to the newspaper, Keywood Kiddie Corner is “reviewing its hiring practices as a result of the fire.” I sure hope so!

On a side note, the children were named Bri'Vion, Javunte, and Briaiona. Excuse me now while I go throw up.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ants are eating my brain, WHAT?

I went to a bachelorette party because I'm just one of the girls like that. So, Katie was telling me about this co-worker of seems his sister, whose legs fell off a few years back, woke up covered in ant bites. The ants were, from best we can gather, eating her flesh during the night. She subsequentally went insane because as it was discovered, the amount of venom was so great, it actually poisoned her brain. Did I make this up? NO! For real!